Monday, May 30, 2011


we hopped on the max and spent a few hours
downtown shopping and checking out the sights.
highlights included the truffle fries at little big burger
(jackson's 1st french fry!!! so fancy!) and the salmon & crab chowder at jake's famous crawfish...YUM!
thanks for all the fun, L&L...come back soon!

jackson's 1st french fry

he likes it!?!

the gang

a little local flavor

headed home

park pair

Sunday, May 29, 2011

big night out

grandpa lar had his heart set on taking us to
dan & louis oyster bar
for a big night out. the place has been around since
1907 and lin & lar haven't been there since the 70's...woah!
i don't think the place has changed much in the last
forty+ years...kitschy kitschy!!!

grampie giving jackie the grand tour

still crazy after all these years (and cute!)

dressed in his sunday best
(shirt & clip-on tie courtesy of the diaz fam)

Saturday, May 28, 2011

random fun

grammie & linda j on their belated mother's day shopping spree

grammie & grampie come to town!

grammie and grampie came to visit us for a whole week.
they kept jackie busy at the children's museum, going on
lunch dates, and at the zoo while i finished out the work week-
a good time was had by all, of course! and we couldn't
let a weekend go by without a trip to the farmer's market
or the park now...could we?

group shot

too cold to go in

watching the musical entertainment
(check out ol' striped socks?! woah!!!)

lots o' laffs


Saturday, May 21, 2011

munson creek falls

munson creek falls is beautiful.
just a few miles south of tillamook, and a quick 5 minute walk.
a perfect way to end our coast overnighter.

hitching a ride

hiker in training

we made it!!!

headed home, hand in hand. awww.

Friday, May 20, 2011


thad planned us a spur of the moment coast trip to
the surftides in lincoln city.
we got there friday afternoon to enjoy some beach time.
we let jackie loose and he loved running around
in the water, even though it was freezing.
good times...can't wait for summer!

room with a view

lincoln city on a friday night with a 2 year old involves
sunsets, champagne, room service, a viewing of shrek, blue lollipops,
and throwing pirates booty over the balcony railing to stage some awesome bird photo ops.

cheap champagne to celebrate my promotion. yay!

discovering the joys of blue lollipops

what a cute mess.

my future entry in a nature photography contest?

enjoying the high life

pretty sunset

Thursday, May 19, 2011